Basic statistics by b l agarwal pdf
Basic statistics by b l agarwal pdf

Only for you today! Discover your favourite book here by downloading and install as well as getting the soft data of the publication Basic StatisticsBy B.L. Contents: Status of Statistics Classification, Tabulation and Graphical Representation Measures of Central Values Measures of Dispersion Elementary Probability Random Variable and Probability Distributions Sampling and its uses Some Sampling Distributions Research Processes Tests of Significance Chi-Square and F-Test Experimental Research Designs Nonparametric Tests Association of Attributes Regression and Correlation Multivariate Regression and Correlation Time Series Analysis Index Numbers Interpolation and Extrapolation Elementary Decision Theory Statistical Quality Control Statistical Organisation in India Business Forecasting Vital Statistics Appendix-A: Mathematics for Statistics Appendix-B: Statistical Tables Answers to Numerical Problems Printed Pages: 832.PDF Ebook Basic StatisticsBy B.L. On the whole, all readers will find the book useful beyond their expectation. A brief discussion of census 2011 has also been added along with the latest population estimates. Also all kinds of errors, howsoever small they may be, have been eliminated. Readers will notice that sixth edition has been improved and updated by adding or changing matter wherever needed. Two chapters entitled `Research Processes` and `Experimental Research Designs` added in fourth edition made the book complete for all courses in its own sense. This will render great help to students of all faculties. The present edition is updated by adding computer guidance at the end of each chapter with regard to solving numerical problems through SPSS packages. Sixth edition of Basic Statistics is revised keeping in view the modern trend and requirements of the students and teachers alike. Correctness of matter in all respect is its another greatest feature. This book provides exhaustive matter in a simple, lucid and exact manner for inquisitive minds. Basic Statistics fully covers the syllabi of Statistics courses running in various universities and professional institutions in the faculties of Commerce, Arts, Business Management, Agriculture, Home Science, Pharmacy, C.A.(P.E.-I), I.C.W.A. The book presupposes no advance knowledge of Mathematics. Mathematical derivations and proofs of the formulae are kept out of scope of this book. Theory followed by relevant formulae is fully expatiated through solved numerical problems. Basic Statistics covers a wide range of statistical theory taught in almost all faculties.

Basic statistics by b l agarwal pdf